Save Time and Money on Qualified Employees

Whether you need to fill a short-term gap or need to hire a permanent employee, we can help. We understand the high cost of employee turnover and are committed to ensuring you can find qualified, skilled help when you need it most. Whether you have a need and don’t want to bring on a full-time worker just yet or you need to make sure your next employee has all the skills you are looking for, we are committed to providing the right talent for the job at hand.


Need Niche Workers? No Problem!

At Sharp Assets, we take great pride in our ability to find talented individuals, no matter how specific or rare that niche is. Our unique search and screening process and strong technical backgrounds ensure that we can not only find top talent to fill those important roles, but that anyone you hire is fully screened and qualified to work for you. Candidates that have the background and qualifications you need can be particularly challenging to find and keep; with our years of work in the industry, our connections allow us to locate the most highly skilled candidates with ease.

We Build Relationships That Last

Great relationships are at the heart of what we do. By delivering a steady stream of tough to find, dedicated and qualified technical employees to our clients, we have built a legacy of trust and commitment. At [name], our clients and talent take center stage; we screen our talent to ensure they have truly mastered their craft and that they have the skills and commitment needed to get the job done long before they even meet with a client. Trust, integrity and respect are the hallmarks of our business and at the heart of everything we do.

Get the Staffing Help You Need, when you Need It Most

Our cutting-edge recruiting innovations combined with our long history of spotting top talent ensures you truly get the best possible team at a rate you can afford. Our talent solutions are fully scalable, so you only pay for the level of help you need. We offer fully customized roles to suit your needs, including:

  • Perm or direct hire

  • Contract employees

  • Contract to hire

Your satisfaction is our primary goal; we’ve been matching top talent to employers for years and know what it takes to get the right professionals in place.


Take the Guesswork Out of Hiring Technology Professionals

Hiring tech employees is a risky proposition; the industry is facing high, costly turnover and an ever-changing landscape of regulation. In many cases, the Human Resources department does not fully understand the ins and outs of the tech role they are hiring for or does not know what key factors matter most. We take the guesswork and risk out of hiring by pre-screening applicants and hand selecting applicants for you to choose from. No weeding through piles of resumes or tedious interviewing required. You simply get to choose from the best, knowing your needs will be met. Our goal is to revolutionize the way you hire and fill key roles – and to free you up to focus on what you do best, running your business.

Get the IT Staffing Help You Need

Take the first step towards getting the professional assistance you need on your projects or for your brand. You’re one click or phone call away from finding the qualified help you need; we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Looking for Work? We are always interested in speaking with skilled candidates! Click here for details.